The Other New Senator in the 111th Congress

There’s going to be a healthy amount of turnover in the Senate; even if the Democrats don’t pick up any seats in 2008 (OK, OK, you can stop laughing now), there will still be at least five new faces because of the retirements of Warner, Allard, Domenici, Hagel, and Craig. However, there’s also going to be at least a sixth new face in the Senate, because, barring something really weird happening, either Barack Obama or John McCain is going to be the next President in January, opening up one more seat to be filled by appointment until 2010 (the next general election, but also when Obama and McCain’s terms would end anyway). Unlike the rest of the Senate races, that’s one race we can’t handicap, because we have no idea who the candidates are, and there’s going to be only one voter: either Rod Blagojevich or Janet Napolitano.

This is in the news today because Robert Novak is alleging that Nancy Pelosi has been talking up Rahm Emanuel as the replacement senator. (This being Novak, the safe response might be to assume the exact opposite of what he’s saying. Just consider it a conversation starter.) He described Pelosi as “enthusiastic about Emanuel’s elevation to the Senate.” (Although she might be most enthusiastic about getting one-half of the Hoyer/Emanuel tag-team off her back.)

It seems unlikely to me that Blagojevich would pick Emanuel, though, because Emanuel doesn’t help Blagojevich with either of his competing needs: the pressure to appoint another African-American so that number of black senators doesn’t drop back down to 0, and the desire to move his strongest intra-party competition to Washington and out of his hair. (It also might seem a demotion for Emanuel, who is at the #4 slot in the House as Conference chair, and given his age, a likely candidate for Speaker in the 2020s.)

Probably the most frequently mentioned African-American contender for the position is Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Jackson is young (41), he’s progressive (near the top of the House, with a Progressive Punch score of about 99), he’s been an effective Obama surrogate, he’d leave behind as safely-Democratic a House seat as can be imagined, and he has name recognition.

Other mentioned African-American contenders include Rep. Bobby Rush (who’s been in IL-01 for many years and is 62), Sec. of State Jesse White (a well-liked longtime fixture in Illinois politics, but 76 years old), State Senate President Emil Jones (who’s a key Blagojevich ally in the legislature, but who’s 72), and State Senator James Claybourne (who’s only 44, but unlike these other contenders, not a Chicagoan (he’s from Belleville, next to E. St. Louis) – and with Dick Durbin already senator, a second Downstate senator is unlikely). One other possibility I saw mentioned was giving Carol Mosely-Braun her old seat back, although given her inability to hold the seat in the first place, that doesn’t seem likely.

The other camp consists of people Blagojevich might like to deport from Illinois by promoting them: Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Comptroller Dan Hynes. It’s unclear whether Blagojevich intends to run for a third term in 2010 (he’s eligible to do so, although given his ethical problems and low approval ratings, it seems he’s likely to head for the exits at that point), but if he does, he’s likely to face primary opposition from one or both of them. And even if he doesn’t run, these two have oversight of his activities and have been constant thorns in his side (and, with one of them in Washington, could then be replaced with one of his own appointees).

Whether or not Blagojevich is an obstacle, either Madigan or Hynes is likely to be the next governor of Illinois. Madigan is 41; Hynes is 39. They’re both well-connected to Illinois machine politics (Madigan’s dad is state house speaker Michael Madigan; Hynes’s dad is former Cook County assessor Thomas Hynes.) One consideration is that Hynes has shown more desire to go to Washington rather than aiming for governor; Hynes ran for the Democratic Senate nomination in 2004, finishing second to Obama in the primary.

Finally, there are several other names who get mentioned but don’t fit into either category: Rep. Jan Schakowsky from IL-09 (she’s also one of the most progressive members of the House and wields a fair amount of leadership clout there, but she’s 64 and has some ethical baggage associated with fraud charges against her husband Robert Creamer), and Illinois Veterans Affairs Dept. Director Tammy Duckworth of IL-06 fame (she brings diversity and Iraq War vet status to the table, but has never actually won an election before). And it can’t be discounted entirely that Blagojevich might appoint himself, since a Senate seat would give him a new career without term limits… although he’d face the same electoral liabilities in 2010 facing Senate re-election as if he were running again for governor.

Turning to Arizona, some of you might be licking your chops, anticipating another Democratic senator, appointed by Janet Napolitano, as the consolation prize in the event of a McCain victory, but that’s not the case. Arizona is one of several states (along with Alaska, Hawaii, Utah, and Wyoming) where the appointed interim senator must be of the same party as the departing senator.

This becomes an interesting strategic decision for Napolitano, though: does she take the easy way out and appoint the Republican who’s at the top of the queue? That would most likely be Jan Brewer, who is Secretary of State and, since Arizona has no Lt. Governor, the state’s #2 person. However, it could be one of the current representatives, most likely John Shadegg, who has more seniority and a higher profile than Trent Franks or Jeff Flake.

Does she appoint the Republican who, ideologically, is likely to suck the least (moderate ex-Rep. Jim Kolbe, who was in AZ-08 for many years, comes to mind), who would be vulnerable to a right-wing primary effort but difficult in a general election?

Or does she try to game the system by appointing the Republican who would provide two years of dislikable right-wing insanity and then an easy opponent in the 2010 general election (when, not coincidentally, Napolitano herself would be term-limited and looking for a new job)? That could be ex-Rep. and professional loudmouth J.D. Hayworth, or, for maximum comedic effect, former State Rep. Randy Graf. (It still probably wouldn’t include current Rep. Rick Renzi, who’s likely to consider 2009 a good year if it involves staying out of prison.)

Related posts:

Whom Might Blagojevich Appoint? (from August 2007)

56 thoughts on “The Other New Senator in the 111th Congress”

  1. Nuff Said that’s who I want. Why should Emanuel get the seat he was the only democrat in the Illinois delegation who didn’t endorse Obama, I know he’s in leadership but still.

    Schakowsky is awesome and would be ok to defend the seat.

  2. I would really hope Gov. Napolitano would name Jim Kolbe.

    The Republcans would hate it. He’s retired once, so he might not try to keep the seat for a full term of his own; and, if he does, the Republican apparatus would not back him with maximum enthusiasm.

    The best-qualified AZ GOP Congressman is probably Jeff Flake, so I hope she wouldn’t pick him. He’d be difficult to dislodge from the Senate, and I doubt we’d have much of a shot at the House seat he’d be giving up, either. He’s also quite young, and might serve virtually forever.

    There’s a Goldwater grandson, isn’t there? Failed at something last cycle?

    And then, of course, fully qualified to serve in the Senate, where he’s served before… Dan Quayle lives in Arizona now.

    The drawback to Quayle is that he’s relatively young, no doubt would run again, might serve as many as two full terms before we could get rid of him again.  

  3. That’s hilarious. Appointing him would make Dems shit themselves laughing as they think of the ways to ridicule him before sending his ass packing once again.

    But seriously, if McCain’s seat becomes vacant, I think Napolitano would be sly enough to appoint a very weak Republican appointee (since unlike Wyoming the choice is hers alone) and then running for Senate herself in 2010. She’ll definitely clobber any GOPer, even if they’re a moderate like Jim Kolbe. Hell, she may even give McCain a run for his money if he decides to seek reelection after failing a 2008 presidential bid.

    Speaking of that, I think the most likely scenario is that McCain retires. After all, this would be his last chance at the presidency (he’s wayy too old). And Napolitano would run for that vacant seat, since she has term limits in 2010 as governor.

  4. Napolitano would need to be careful.  When she picks someone, she gives that person some credibility.  How will she argue later that her own appointment makes a terrible senator, is unqualified, etc.?  Hopefully, she never needs to make this decision, but if she does, gaming should be subtle and she should pick a Republican who is as good on issues as possible.  I say Kolbe.  

  5. Blago takes the easy way out and picks Jesse White. White is a hero in IL politics, he’s African-American and it would be a nice cherry on the top of one of the greatest African-American public officials in our history.

    White will be a good place holder until 2010 where we’ll see a beavy of Democrats looking to win the seat.

  6. These just posted to SurveyUSA today.  

    Important Senator Approval numbers (Favorable/Unfavorable):

    Pat Roberts (R-KS) – 50/41

    Mitch McConnell (R-KY) – 57/37

    Norm Coleman (R-MN) – 48/46

    Gordon Smith (R-OR) – 45/47

    Coleman and Smoth’s approval ratings are horrendous, especially Smith’s

  7. but Chris Bowers had a good post at OpenLeft today on why Rahm getting it might not be so bad. It gets him out of the running for speaker, it let’s his seat be taken by a progressive and there is a possibility he would lose the 2010 primary.

    It’s really hard to tell what Gov Rod will do though.

    1. As far as I can tell, there are three African-American women in the Illinois state senate. I haven’t heard any of them mentioned as likely contenders in anything I’ve read, but Jacqueline Collins has a fairly impressive resume.

  8. I see only three realistic choices for Napolitano: the only two Republicans she’s appointed to statewide office — Corporation Commissioner Kris Mayes (Napolitano’s former press secretary) or former Secretary of State Betsey Bayless — or current SecState Jan Brewer, who’s the party’s strongest candidate for governor.

    Bayless might be the best choice if she agrees not to run for a full term.

  9. is how it affects the governor’s standing.  in MN, our popular governor Wendy Anderson virtually appointed himself senator in 1976 (following Mondale becoming VP) leading to one of the worst party massacres in American history (similar to OH ’06).  we lost the governor and both US Senate seats.

    so appointing oneself one CANNOT do.

    appointing a member of the opposite party is weird, especially if napolitano is interested in running for the seat herself.  she shouldn’t appoint a strong candidate, yet she can’t just pick a total joke without voters becoming disgusted by her attempt to “game the system.”

    kolbe is a perfect choice – except that he might refuse.  shaddegg might be a tough opponent, but his seat is the most vulnerable to democrat in a special election (assuming kirkpatrick is elected in AZ-1).

    let’s just get obama elected and blago can choose hynes who should be able to hold the seat fairly easily.  madigan can get elected governor and everything’s neat and tidy.  similar to when kaine appoints deeds to fill webb’s seat til ’10 and clears the gov race for brian moran:)

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